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Hyper Local Honey

Bee Removal Service

Grandy Bees offers bee removal service to local homeowners and businesses.  We have been trained by other beekeepers in the art of removing bees from houses and structures where bees are undesirable.  We offer bee removal at competitive prices.  Unlike pest control companies, we do not kill the bees.  The bees are safely removed from the structure and moved to an off site location.  

After all the comb is removed, we clean out as much of the wax residue as possible so as to not invite future infestation.  We then spray paint interior areas of the cavity so as to remove odors that might be attractive to future potential inhabitants.  We also use an all natural material which does not harm honey bees, but honey bees dislike, so they will not return to the area.  Depending on the homeowner’s request, we will then reconstruct the area (or leave it for their own contractor to accomplish).


We place the now-occupied hive box as close as possible to where the previous colony entrance was (utilizing ladders and walk boards) so that foraging bees who were out for the day will return and find their nest in the box. 


We will typically leave and return at dusk to close up the hive box.  On certain occasions, we will need to keep the new hive box on location for an additional day to help get all the bees back into the colony.  Once we are comfortable that the majority of the bees back in the new hive box, we will seal up the box and remove it from the property.


We may return the next day to remove any remaining equipment (ladders/walk boards, etc.) that were not possible from the previous day, and vacuum up/remove any lingering bees as best as possible.  There occasionally will be a couple of stubborn bees that after a day or two will finally get the idea that their colony is gone and go find another beehive in the area to join.

"The hum of bees is the voice of the garden"

- Elizabeth Lawrence

How do we remove the bees?

In order to remove bees efficiently, the process involves cutting into and deconstructing the immediate area first.  We carefully remove the materials so that it can be easily be replaced once the bees have been removed.  By taking our time in removing the materials, we can almost always put back what we have removed.


After deconstruction, we gently remove the colony of bees and honeycombs, taking care to preserve as much of the “brood nest” as possible.  We secure the combs into frames to place into a hive box. 

Ready to Get Started?

The cost of bee removal varies by size and complexity of the job.  Our minimum is $250.00 with an hourly rate of $75.00 an hour after 2 hours.  For more information, please contact us below.  

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